Element 5: Teachers create and maintain safe and challenging learning environments through the use of classsroom management

I have undertaken a range of approaches to ensure that my students feel safe to express themselves in my classroom. I have learned to use positive reinforcement to encourage comradeship and teamwork whenever possible and have also made a definite effort to foster professional rapport with students (Appendix 5.1) as per Quality Teaching Guidelines (NSW DET, 2003) I have experimented with incorporating creative arts into other KLA lessons in order to build students’ confidence and increase their participation. I have taken great care when planning lessons to ensure that learning experiences are purposeful for students and explicitly relevant to their lives (Appendix 5.2)  (NSW DET, 2003). I have had some experience in managing an array of student behaviours and have made an effort to prepare lessons with these different behaviours in consideration (Appendix 2.4).  

I will undertake the challenge of giving my students more autonomy and responsibility over their learning wherever possible and seek to make this an objective underlying all of my teaching practices (NSW DET, 2003). I will accept the challenge of addressing student discipline and safety in an increasing measure. I will continue to research new and interesting ways to facilitate confidence building in my classroom and ensure that learning activities are always engaging.

 I need to put my theoretical knowledge of classroom management and discipline into practice whenever the opportunity arises. I also need to take the time to observe a range of teachers at work in a variety of learning environments in order to broaden my knowledge of effective class management. I need to maintain my knowledge of engaging activities to boost student self-assurance and ensure that student efforts are supported and encouraged. 

I believe effective learning can only take place if a student feels secure enough to share their opinions and thoughts and that this emotional, social and physical safety is as significant to learning as the education experiences themselves (NSW Institute of Teachers, 2003). I believe each student possesses the potential to contribute an immeasurable role to the classroom, if they are encouraged and supported by their teacher and their peers.